Party Boats
Big C Charters -
Nautilus Excursions -
New Huck Finn -
Predator Sport Fishing Trips -
Fishing Reports
The Lost Anchovy - Kayak Fishing Blog and Tutorials -
Remember to patronize our club supporters
Tom Hoshiyama, Plaza Insurance Co. 25 Kearny Street San Francisco, CA. 415-983-5910
Arguello Pet Hospital 530 Arguello Blvd. San Francisco, CA. 415-751-3242
Japanese Cultural & Community Center (JCCCNC) 1840 Sutter Street San Francisco, CA. 415-567-5505
T. Okamoto & Co. (real estate) 1832 Buchanan Street San Francisco, CA. 415-931-6295
Yasukochi’s Sweet Shop Bakery 1790 Sutter Street San Francisco, CA. 415-931-8165
Paper Tree Art Supply Store 1743 Buchanan Street San Francisco, CA. 415-887-1736
Gus Discount Fishing Tackle Shop 3710 Balboa Street San Francisco, CA. 415-752-6197
Soko Hardware 1698 Post Street San Francisco, CA . 415-931-5510
Japanese Tea Garden 75 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr. San Francisco, CA. 415-752-1171
NJAHS (Nation Japanese American Historical Society) 1684 Post Street San Francisco, CA. 415-921-5007
Nomura & Co. (Japanese food supply) 40 Broderick Road Burlingame, CA. 650-692-5457